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Private View: Inside Baryshinikov's American Ballet Theater

I realized this week I read a lot of nonfiction that I neglect to list here. I tend to read it in fits and starts and by the time I finish I forgotten to write it down.

I found this book at a used book store (50 cents!) and couldn't resist. I've always been such a fan of Baryshinikov and have another book about him (it was written when he was at his peak, dancing-wise).
It was excellently written, a journalist who was allowed all-access to the ballet troupe and Baryshinikov. It was written like a news feature, but much longer obviously. So it felt like quite a peek backstage. And the photos were great, very photojournalist, not coffee table type.

Really, you can't ever get enough Misha.
I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver