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Me Talk Pretty One Day

by David Sedaris

I've heard of this author for years and just never got around to picking up one of his books. The book is basically a series of unrelated essays, or really more humor columns.
He has a justifiable rep as having a twisted sense of humor and laser-sharp observation of human behavior. A large amount of his wit is reserved for himself, and I can appreciate that, using self-deprecation to amuse myself (and occasionally -- I hope -- others).
Sedaris grew up in middle class America, a nerdy gay man with no ambition. How he developed into a killer writer is anyone's guess but gives you hope for the future of slackers everywhere.
I think I'll look up some more of his stuff, that goofy snarkiness can be addicting.
I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver