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Reading Lolita in Tehran

by Azar Nafisi

This book took me FOREVER to read. I think it's been on my nightstand for more than a year.
Typically, I avoid doing what I don't enjoy doing, so I realized early on that while I did enjoy some of this book, some of it really left me cold.
Nafisi is a college lit professor and the book details her life teaching in Iran, during its most tumultous years of the 1980s and 90s.
Basically, the parts of the book that detailed life in revolutionary Iran were fascinating. The literary tangents I could have done without -- and there were a lot of them.
I'm glad I finished the book but I won't be rushing out to force it on others, either.
I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver