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Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving

by Jonathan Evison

I enjoyed "West of Here" so much I tried another by this author and I was not disappointed. Evison's characters are so incredibly complex, flawed and fascinating. It's rare that literary characters feel THAT real.
In "Fundamentals" the main character is almost an anti-hero. He can be a self-absorbed jerk, a bit of a loser. He's lost everything, in a large way because of his own actions and he can't forgive himself for that. Neither can the reader, for quite a while. He gets a job as a caregiver for a disabled boy, not a transformative experience as it would be in a more melodramatic book, but an experience that helps him grow- abeit, very slowly.

I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver