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Mink River

by Brian Doyle

Figuring out how to describe this book is tough. It's kind of indescribable. It's a novel but a very nontraditional. I picked it up for two reasons: heard good things and it takes place on the north Oregon coast -- a place I know very well and was curious to see how others see it.

There are many characters in the book, interacting, thinking, doing things. But there isn't a singe quote mark. There are also animals and elements of nature with personalities, free will and their own philosophies.

The 'sense of place' as they call it, was very familiar. Coastal rain forests, salty estuaries, tumultuous seas -- check. Bitter, moody fishermen -- check. Vulgar, prickly hometown girls with round heels and soft hearts -- check. Brilliant artists with chronic depression -- check. Devoted sheriff deputy who married his high school sweetheart -- check.

The stream of consciousness style was hard to get used to but it came eventually. And by then I was entranced. It's a brilliant book, an amazing journey and very rewarding.   

I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver