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Charm City

by Laura Lippman

I tend to avoid book series for the most part, of any genre -- romance, vampire stories, mysteries.
But I have read a few that I've enjoyed, in a beach read, fun way. Earlene Fowler's museum curator/quilt themed series was fun and B has gotten me to read his number series by Janet... whatever.
I'd read another book by Laura Lippman and really enjoyed it so I picked up this one and discovered it was part of a series.
Oh well.
Worth a try.
Turned out to be much better than I expected it. The 'detective' - as always -- is a plucky, quirky woman, a former reporter turned private PI in Baltimore, Maryland.
The characters were unforgettable and the plot was not predictable at all.
That's the best you can expect from detective mysteries.

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I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver