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The Fig Eater

by Jody Shields 

the back cover of this book sucked me in: turn of the century Europe, mystery and intrigue, a murder and an investigation, all wrapped up in historical context of Freud's Vienna. The main character, Dora, is fictionally based on a patient Freud wrote about. 
Dora is killed and there may or may not have been some nasty abuse by her father involved, or resentment by her mother, or a scandalous love affair with a man half her age, or hate directed to her by his mistress, AND there may or may not be some mystical magical stuff going on as well. 
I kept up with the book, wanting to understand the characters and the plot but found both confusing. And the ending was totally lame -- I resented the time spent on the book by then. 

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I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver