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My Sister's Keeper

by Jodi Picoult

This author sucks me in every time. Her novels are so simple on the outside, yet so complex. There always tends to be a plot twist you don't see coming, perhaps because the characters are so complex you can't anticipate what they will do. 
Yet the twists don't come out of left field and make you feel blindsided -- once they happen you have an 'ah-ha' moment where it all makes sense. 

In this novel the main character, a 13-year-old girl, has made a choice that turns her family upside down. She was conceived as a marrow donor for her older sisters, who has leukemia. All her life the younger sister was there for the sick sister and she's finally had enough. 
At least that's what the story seems to be about on the surface. There are so many layers to it, so many small betrayals and kindnesses along the way. 
It's a page turner, that's for sure.  

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I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver