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Family Matters

by Rohinton Mistry

This was an amazing book. I listened to it on audio, which I thing enhanced the drama and pathos of the very small family story.
It is about a small family of Parsis, which are ethnic Persians who have lived in India for centuries. On some level it is a very small story, about family resentments, personal disappointments and lives that have not turned out they way we thought they would.
The writer tells the story from the viewpoint of nearly every character, not in first person but in third, and you come to know each one intimately. Mistry's writing is very emotional and personal (or maybe not the writing, but how it makes you feel). I became very invested in the story and was sad when it ended.
I will read more of his books, to be sure.

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I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver