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by Chelsea Cain

Funny thing, this. I've been meaning to ready books by this author for years. I used to follow a personal column she wrote for "The Oregonian" that I just loved. I loved her style, loved her personality, loved her.

But then she came out with a crime novel/mystery, one fated to become a series, and I hestitated. Because I really don't enjoy them that much and I think there are way, way too many of them. So I avoided dealing with it.

 But eventually I caved and it was worth it. Story revolves around a serial killer and a reporter-turned-dectective (nothing new there) but it was set in Portland (always fun to have someplace you're familar with) and the tone and characters were fresh enough it felt good. 

Even though I avoid series like the plague, I will read the next one and hope it's just as good.

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I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver