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Not enough time for too many books

Seven months since my last book report? I can't believe it. I have actually read a handful since then but haven't had a chance to list them. And now, of course, I've forgotten what they were. 

But now I've just finished "Stalin's Ghost" by Martin Cruz Smith. Another Renko detective book, I think this is my third or fourth. 

In this book he gets involved with a soldier-turned-cop-turned politician and some shady dealings with the blackmarket, the Chechnyn rebellion aftermath and a peculiar hobby of digging for bodies and WWII loot in the Russian countryside. 

I enjoyed it, although the first half seemed slow. It was not my favorite Smith novel however, I'm not sure why. I found it difficult to keep track of the characters, perhaps all of the Russian names. And, as in all Renko books, it was dark. Very dark. 

I also recently finished a Stephen King book, "Mr. Mercedes," that was fantastic. Not his usual supernatural thing but more of a suspense/crime novel, the story follows a serial killer and a retired detective obsessed with finding him. 

I know there are more but it's too late -- I can't recall their names. 

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I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver