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Border Songs

by  Jim Lynch

This is a mystery book. I have a whole shelf of books I haven't read yet, a product of my overestimation of how much I can read or gifts. I don't know which this is. It may have been a suggestion from the independent book store in Redmond. 

No matter. It's a character-driven, sense-of-place book, probably my favorite type. The book's 'hero' is a bit off, maybe autistic, or maybe just a genius. He lives in a town bordering the Washington/Canadian border. What it means to live in a border town is a major theme and plot point of the book but really it is about the characters. None are wholly good, or bad, smart or stupid. They just are, like all of us. 

This book snuck up on me. At first it seemed very plain but in fact could be quite lyrical.  I enjoyed this writer's style very much. 

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I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver