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The Deepest Water

by Kate Wilhelm

This was another simple summer read, a crime/dysfunctional family thriller and although I had the villain picked out after the second chapter (and I was right) I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Abby's father, a writer, is killed and she is determined to find out who did it. He lived in an isolated area and had few friends, so it seems everyone is suspect.
One odd thing -- the author is from Oregon and the book is set there too, so I thought I'd really enjoy that part of it. Yet this was an audio book and it was crazy-making that the actor doing the book kept mispronouncing local place names. What kind of crappy producer doesn't make sure geographic names are researched and pronounced right? Yachats was "Yeah-chits". Drove me nuts and almost make me want to walk away from the book.

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I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver