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The Secret Scripture

by Sebastian Barry

I didn't expect much from this book, I'd never read anything by this author -- but I will now.
The story is told from two different narrators, an English/Irish psychiatrist and director of a state-run mental hospital, and Roseanne,  a patient.
Through a slowly-evolving story we learn about Roseanne's life as a desperately poor Irish girl, a young widow and mental patient. The doctor's life is told in parallel, mostly over his many decades running the asylum Roseanne spends most her life in.
The back and forth is told perfectly, with distinct yet subtle language differences.
The story is tragic, sweet and compelling.
Loved this books.

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I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian that crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. 
                                                                           Barbara Kingsolver